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5 examples of sustainability

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In this article we will explore five examples of sustainability in different areas. These examples serve as inspiration and show how we can make our lives and our society more sustainable.

Introduction to sustainability

Sustainability has become an important topic in recent years. But what exactly does sustainability mean and why is it so crucial for our future?

Sustainability is a concept that aims to meet the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It's about using natural resources and environmental services in such a way that they are preserved in the long term.

The idea of ​​sustainability has its origins in the forestry sector, where it was first applied in the 18th century. However, today the concept has spread to all areas of human life and has become an important issue in politics, business and society.

Definition of sustainability

Sustainability refers to the ability to use natural resources and environmental services in such a way that they are maintained in the long term without putting future generations at a disadvantage. It's about finding a balance between the needs of today's society and the requirements of future generations.

Sustainability includes three dimensions: the ecological, the social and the economic dimension. The ecological dimension refers to the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources. The social dimension includes the promotion of equality, justice and inclusion. The economic dimension refers to the creation of wealth and the promotion of innovation.

You can find our definition of sustainability on our sustainability page and in our Impact Report 2022.

The importance of sustainability in our society

The importance of sustainability in our society cannot be overestimated. With growing environmental problems such as climate change, water scarcity and biodiversity loss, it is more important than ever to find and implement sustainable solutions. To achieve this, we must question not only our way of life, but also our ideas about wealth, happiness and success.

There are many ways we can become more sustainable as a society. One option is to use renewable energy and reduce energy consumption. Another option is to reduce the consumption of resources such as water and paper. Promoting sustainable production methods and protecting natural habitats are also important steps towards a more sustainable society.

Example 1: Solar energy

Solar energy is an excellent example of sustainability and has the potential to make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy supplies.

How solar energy works

Solar energy is generated using solar cells that convert sunlight into electrical energy. This process of converting light energy into electrical energy is called photovoltaics. Solar systems can be used both on a large scale, for example in solar power plants, and on a small scale, for example on house roofs.

How solar energy works is a fascinating topic. The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy that has existed for millions of years. Solar cells use this energy to generate electricity. The sunlight is absorbed by the solar cells and converted into electrical current. This electricity can then be used to supply households and businesses.

The technology behind solar energy is constantly changing and becoming more and more efficient. New materials and technologies are being developed to improve solar cell efficiency and reduce costs. Solar energy will become even more important for a sustainable energy supply in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

The advantages of solar energy include the fact that it is renewable, clean and has virtually unlimited availability. It produces no emissions, causes no pollution and reduces dependence on fossil fuels. However, there are also disadvantages: solar energy depends on the weather and the efficiency of the solar cells still needs to be improved. Nevertheless, the positive aspects of solar energy are crucial for a sustainable future.

Another advantage of solar energy is that it is accessible to most people. Solar systems can be installed on house roofs and thus contribute to the energy supply of individual houses. This is particularly beneficial in rural areas where power supply is often unreliable.

However, there are also disadvantages to using solar energy. The efficiency of solar cells is not yet as high as it could be. In addition, the production of solar cells and solar systems is energy-intensive and requires the use of rare raw materials. It is therefore important that the technology continues to improve to minimize these disadvantages.

Example 2: Sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture is another significant example of sustainability. Its aim is to ensure food security, preserve biological diversity and reduce environmental impact.

Principles of sustainable agriculture

Some of the fundamental principles of sustainable agriculture include protecting soils, water resources and biodiversity, reducing the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, promoting the cultivation of local and seasonal crops and supporting agroecological approaches.

Sustainable agriculture also takes social and economic factors into account. It promotes collaboration between farmers to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and resources. It also contributes to creating jobs and strengthening the local economy.

Environmentally friendly farming methods

Environmentally friendly farming methods include crop rotation, the use of mixed crops, the application of organic fertilizer and compost, and the integration of livestock into the farming system. These methods can not only reduce environmental problems, but also improve the long-term economic viability of farms.

Crop rotation is a farming method in which different types of crops are grown one after the other in the same field. This maintains soil fertility and reduces the spread of pests and diseases.

Intercropping is another environmentally friendly farming method. Different types of plants are grown at the same time in the same field. This increases biological diversity and improves soil fertility.

Organic fertilizer and compost are natural fertilizers made from plant and animal waste. They improve soil quality and promote plant growth. In contrast, synthetic fertilizers can lead to over-fertilization of the soil and pollute the environment.

Integrating livestock into the farming system can also contribute to sustainable agriculture. The animals can help fertilize the soil and control pests. They can also serve as a source of food and income.

Overall, there are many ways to promote sustainable agriculture. By using environmentally friendly farming methods and taking social and economic factors into account, agriculture can help create a sustainable future.

Example 3: Public transport

Public transport can make a crucial contribution to sustainability by reducing energy consumption and the environmental impact of transport.

Benefits of public transport for the environment

Public transport provides numerous environmental benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution and noise pollution. It can also reduce congestion and optimize land use by requiring less space for roads and parking lots.

Improving public transport systems

In order to make the use of public transport more attractive, various improvements and innovations are necessary. This includes a wider range of offerings, better timing and connections, more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles and improving the infrastructure, for example by building cycle paths and pedestrian zones.

Example 4: Recycling and waste management

Recycling and improved waste management can help reduce environmental impact and make better use of valuable resources.

Recycling materials

Recycling means making new products from waste products. This conserves natural resources, reduces energy consumption and reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or incineration plants. Materials that are commonly recycled include paper, glass, metal and plastic.

Reducing waste and pollution

An important aspect of sustainable waste management is waste avoidance. This can be achieved by reducing packaging, promoting reuse and pursuing a circular economy in which products and materials are kept in the economic cycle for as long as possible. Reducing environmental pollution from waste, such as illegal dumping or landfill leaks, is also very important for sustainability.


In conclusion, sustainability is crucial in many ways. The examples presented here are just a few of the many ways we can actively work to protect our environment and ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

If you would like to initiate a community-promoting and sustainable project at your school together with your students, please request an offer from us directly or contact us directly.

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