Blackfriday – secure bargains and discounts with LYTD®
It's that time again. Just like every year, this year is Black Friday again. We'll show you where you can get the best bargains!
Creative ideas for your school project
Creative ideas for your school project. We at LYTD also show some ideas that can take your school project to a new level!
Spooky Halloween costume ideas for your party!
With these Halloween costume ideas you will definitely be the eye-catcher at every Halloween party - guaranteed! Check out tips and tricks now.
Learning methods for your Abitur Part 2: The table of contents
Learning methods for your Abitur - The table of contents. With this learning method, never bad grades and motivation to learn!
What can I do during the summer holidays?
What can I do during the summer holidays? Every student asks themselves this question when entering the final phase of the school year. LYTD has the answer!
Learning methods for your Abitur Part 1: Pomodoro
Pomodoro - The interval method of learning. By dividing study time and break time sensibly, you can achieve the balancing act between focus and break with Pomodoro!
Graduation passed: And what now?
This is the question I ask everyone who is approaching their senior year or is already in the middle of it. We at LYTD are trying to help you with your search!